Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Agency Mgmt Hardcopy

I spoke to Mr. Lakdawala and he wants a hardcopy as well as a CD containing the group project. So all the groups make sure it is ready by next class..

Thursday, December 6, 2007

8th december- agency management lecture

For all the Jai Hind BMM students, the lecture on the 8th will include the following topics:
-What is a service?
-Characteristics of service
-7P's of service
-What is an ad agency?
- Role of an ad agency
-Structure of an ad agency

I will be getting all of Mr.Lakhdawala's PPTs on Saturday and i will keep putting up those which are relevant to what he will be teaching in class, prior to the lecture.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Group Project Topics

To receive the brief pls mail me on sakshi2000@hotmail.com

Monday, December 3, 2007

Insight on Account Planning from an Account Planning Expert!

Hey this is a blog post from the blog of Saurabh Sharma who was the Planning Director at OnM Mumbai. Now he is with OnM in China still working as a Director. Here are his insights on account planning

One horse, many races..


You are a planner?

“So a planner makes presentations? “
“No, a planner is consumer’s spokesperson in any discussion about the brand.”
“Isn’t planner the category expert?”
“Actually planner is a client working in the agency.”
“Planner is a bridge between the creative emotions and business thoughts”
“Planner is there to engage the clients intellectually..”
“Boss, planner is just a sophisticated digital library”
“Think about it - planner is the new creative.”
“Planner is a lot of analysis and no action or direction..”
“Hello, planner is all about’ the direction’ dost..!”
“Planner is about the logic of that great ad which is actually beyond any logical explanation..”
“Planner is the agony aunt/uncle..”
“Planner is all ‘gyaan’ and nothing beyond..”

This is my ‘A’ list but I am sure there are many other roles that a planner is seen playing.. Are some of these better than others? 
May be. 
Is there just one definite role for a planner? 
Is there something that a planner ‘has to has to’ do?
Yes. Know the past, present & future of the user and his world.

Thanks to my discussion with young Rithika, I once again was reminded of all the myriad roles that a planner plays. But this does not mean that any one of these is a lesser role. All of them have their own significance at different points in time. 

With some clients a planner needs to be more creative and adventurous while with others a planner needs to be rational and measured. 

With some creatives we need to discuss the brief while with others we need to co create the work. 

With some account management friends we need to write the presentation while with others we just need to discuss the direction. 

With some global clients we need to be the face of our country’s creatives while with others we only need to lead the thinking. 

A planner needs to be childish enough to think innocently and matured enough to be figuring the right direction.
At any point a planner must bring freshness to the table. No matter where the table is – in a client’s boardroom or a smoke filled room echoing with creative thoughts at 2 am in the morning!


- Saurabh Sharma, Planning Director, O & M

Taken from www.inquiringeyes.blogspot.com


Sunday, December 2, 2007

Next Class Topic: 4th December

Next class we are going to be studying indepth working of the client servicing deparment.
We will also be looking at the difference between Product & Service.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Group Project for Jaihind TYBMM students

Due on 18th December.

On the basis of the brief sent to us by sir we have to present the following:

-a creative brief ( giving insight into market, brand & customer) . The creative brief format should be same as the copywriting one.

-We have to give atleast 3 ideas for online advertising and marketing(compulsory)

-Any 10 ideas for below the line activities (eg. Sales Promotions, P.R, Direct Marketing, Personal Selling, etc) except conventional advertising

- We do not have to make any ads for this project.

-presentation is compulsory.

For any other details you can contact Neha or Sakshi.

Mr Lakdawalas email: mhl@rediffmail.com